Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Crazy girl........
I think my sister has a talent for making faces (or she just looks cute when she does them),
something I found today........

here is something I found today while I was cleaning out my stuff, ahaha, Alyx drew this for me for my 14th birthday I think, I don't remeber, do you remeber Ang? anyway its fun finding these old things and going over them again, such sweet memories, I love you tonz girl! muwah
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Free Day
Today I actually did something for my free day for a change, I went to Karaoke with Lily and Tess, finnaly dragged my butt out and did something, it was fun! ahaha I really like singing, ehem! i think I was hogging the mic to! oh well, hey! the other girls didn't sing that much so yeah.......anyway yeah, oh yeah something interesting happend the other day while I was over at chas house watching the kids with her, we were taking the kids outside, well they were playing in the back yard and in the front of the house, but yeah anyway then Annie, chas youngest sister calls me over to the back yard, i find her there playing in the mud makind mud pies, how exciting,
Me: "yeah Annie whats up?"
Annie: "I want you to play with me, can you?"
Me: "ummm, yeahhhhhh I guess so but only for a few mins ok?"
so I start playing with her making mud pies and all that stuff,so she's playing happily so I start to quietly back away........and then
Annie: "Nooooooo don't leave, you need to make it with me, I want to play with youuu!"
Me: "but Annie I'm gonna get my clothes dirty, see you can change your clothes but I can't cuz my house is far away..."
Annie: " but I want to play with you...." (and she starts to get teary eyed,)
arrggg! how could I say no,
Me: "ok fineeee annie I'll keep playing with you"
Annie: "ok this is yours(hands me a plate full of mud,) I'm making chocolate cake, can you make strawbarry?"
Me: "yeahhh sureeee"
so I ended up playing with her untill it was time to go inside, my hands were so dirty and my clothes were splashed with mud, but at least Annie was happy so I guess thats what counts.
Me: "yeah Annie whats up?"
Annie: "I want you to play with me, can you?"
Me: "ummm, yeahhhhhh I guess so but only for a few mins ok?"
so I start playing with her making mud pies and all that stuff,so she's playing happily so I start to quietly back away........and then
Annie: "Nooooooo don't leave, you need to make it with me, I want to play with youuu!"
Me: "but Annie I'm gonna get my clothes dirty, see you can change your clothes but I can't cuz my house is far away..."
Annie: " but I want to play with you...." (and she starts to get teary eyed,)
arrggg! how could I say no,
Me: "ok fineeee annie I'll keep playing with you"
Annie: "ok this is yours(hands me a plate full of mud,) I'm making chocolate cake, can you make strawbarry?"
Me: "yeahhh sureeee"
so I ended up playing with her untill it was time to go inside, my hands were so dirty and my clothes were splashed with mud, but at least Annie was happy so I guess thats what counts.
Monday, March 20, 2006
I am happy...kinna

I am writing in here to day cuz I realized I havn't in a while, ehem, yes I am lazy, no actually I didn't have anything interesting to write, but in the past few days a couple interesting this has been happining.....so yeah that is why i am writing in here today, ehem don't mind all the going around in circles thing, I'm still kinna groggy from getting punched in the face....kidding,
Kimonos, pretty girls and clowns:
(hey that should have been the title for this blog post, but never mind.)
the other day my sister Lily and my really good friend cha, when to kimitsu for this Kimono modling thing, of course neither of them ever wore a kimono before so they thot it would be fun (right cha?) anyway they went there and it was worse then they had expected,(at least thats what it sounded like from all the stories they told me) for one.......THEY LOOKED LIKE POODLES. they had puffy hair and it really looked like a poodle, they wern't so happy about it but being the sweet girls they are they didn't say anything, "but girls in kimonos are suposto be pretty." they were pretty, at least i thot they were, but they said that when one of them looked pretty, the other one didn't, (well i guess i just have "the eyes of love" cuz I thot they looked great,) well when I post some photos you guys can decide. well while they were off getting pretty and doing there photo shoots, I had to tag along with my brother for his other photo shoot, he was auditioning to be a clown artist, so he had to go take some photos, and he didn't know where he was going so I had to tag along with him. (yes i did know where I was going...) and man i never ever wanna go again! gosh i was soooo board, I was sitting there with nothing to do for 2 hours, seriously is it normal to take an hour on makeup? on my own makeup I take less the 5 mins, and even with clown make up I only take about 15 mins but no he look an hour! so I was half falling asleep and he as happily putting on his make up, well all that to say, we all came back dead tired, but still at night i couldn't sleep, my concealer is my best friend now, i carry it every where I go, well if I don't I look like I just got punched or something. actually I tried alot of things to help me sleep, like someone said that eating a half a bananna before going to sleep is supost help..........mmmmmmmmmm not really, but oh well, and someone else said that honey is supost to help to........mmmmmmmmmm I dunno, well there were a bunch of other sugestions but I won't get into them they are gonna take kinna long, so yeah I will just stop rabbling on about stuff and leave you guys in peace.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Cha you'er the best!

Cha wrote me this Poem:
"Whenever I am lonely
She always comes along
Dances to some music
Sings a silly song
And when I want to color
She just wants to draw
So instead of doing either
We do nothing at all
We talk about nonsense
Do each other’s hair
Paint each other’s toenails
Sit around on chairs
We argue over nonsense
Fight over food too
But whenever we’re so gloomy
We can make the sky so blue
She’s my favorite cooking partner
My cutest baby-doll
Bestest purikura partner
And really fun to call
I’m really glad I know her
Glad that she loves me
As long as we’re together
We’ll always be a team. :)"
I feel loved!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Gone Crazy?
ToDaY mY dAy OfF wAs SpEnT sLiPpInG aAd SlIdInG dOwN mOuNtAiN sIdEs AnD wEt RoAdS, spending 5000 dollors on new roof scopes, under glows, brakes, Nitro, and tires, and winning ever drift, drag, and sprint . you might think I have gone crazy,(if you haven't noticed I went crazy along time ago) but no, I really did spend my time car racing... just not on the real roads, yes I spent my free day playing this stupid computer game, ahaha seriously there was nothing better to do, my sisters think I have gone insane and my brothers think I am the coolest......I wasted the day away, and now I am thinking of all the things I could have done............lets see, hanging out with my older sister and her boyfriend......no ways! hanging out with my younger sister and her friend...hmmmm not very appealing. hanging out with my younger brother and sister and go ride bikes in the park.......um not really. だから,やっぱり車racingわ 一番だね。
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Angels are everywhere!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Wednesday, March 8, 2006
My Family
Dance,Dance, and Dance some more!
Did you ever get sick of dancing? I did today!! first of all I had dancing practice with my good friend Cha and Co. we busted some great moves,Cha is an great teacher, she teaches so good that I can sit down and learn the dance with out even having to try the moves out for my self (well kinna..). And then I came home, and I was trying to make up moves to my dance, and for some reason I look really stupid. and I just got sooooo sick of dancing! like I don't wanna dance forever, ehem kidding, but seirously I don't wanna have to dance in the next few days, but I know that I must, cuz like it or not the Sakura season is upon us! wahoo, how exciting, yes and we must be prepared! so yeah, cha your a great teacher! and Please pray that I can make this dance on time! (I only got a few weeks to make and teach yikes!!)
Saturday, March 4, 2006
Friday, March 3, 2006
Rain and Snow

Today, my sister and I got stuck biking in the rain.
Our toes and fingers froze and man did they hurt,
if that wasn't bad enought...the rain turned to snow, and the snow
stung our face and we had to stop every 10 mins to defrost,
all that to say...it took us 2 hour to get home(it usually takes us about 20 mins)
ahaha the moral of the story...
my sister and me
when we arn't half
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