"Fusen hoshi? Fusen hoshi? FUSEN HOSHI???? FU........Yes it is 300 yen you don't need to shout it out 10 times. I guess no one wants a balloon today, fine den more for me.....aww come on just buy one!!! I at least wanna sell ONE balloon today!!" I ended up selling 4, and it was freezing!! we (Lily and me) stood in front of cosmo world for 4 hours,(oh hey I sold one balloon every hour, ahaha! good one) today was definatly not our day. but praise the lord anyway, we did have a nice nap on the train and we got to see lots of different places. I wish I had a camra, it would have come in handy today, But unfortunatly the camra broke and is now in repairs, pray for it! we miss it! ahaha! ok well enough about that, yesterday we went over to
cha's place for dancing practice all day, yeah it was great fun, and I took a nice long nap there! heheh! yes if you haven't noticed by now I do cherish my sleep. ehem, we got to stay there for dinner, such nice people. It feels like winter today, but I'm still sitting here in a t-shirt...........ok I'm gonna go now, bye have a good night. I love you!