Friday, November 30, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm alive....and kicking?

Harro harro!!! Its been so long I know, well it was mostly because I didn:t really have anything to there, anyway last week on free day we had a get together with the other home in this area, these arn:t such good photos because this cam takes nasty photos in weird lighting so anyway forgive the quality, eheh. I'll try to take my camera around more, so I have more stuff to post. lol, anyway this will have to do for now. Luv you, and I miss you guys all, (you know who you areeeee)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

just an update.....

well not really an update, but here are the very very last pictures we took the very last ones! gosh everyone is so into their phones!!! ahaha oh well here is an update, its freezing here!!!!!!! my toes are always frozen always!!! taking showers are painful! ahhhhhh
anyways I loves you