First of all I guess I wanna say congratulations!!!! and It sucks that I was sick in bed with the chicken pox, but I'm really happy for you two, I really really am. I guess we all knew it was gonna happen sooner or later, I just hoped it was later than sooner, because you know the chicken pox thing but its great that you were able to do it while your family was still in japan, anyway I was suppose to give the maid of honor speech but really in truth I had nothing written, so I guess I kinda dodged a bullet on that one! ahaha just kidding, I would have written something or stayed up all night trying to write something, it would have been great. LoL anyway I guess what Im trying to say is that there is still the batchleorette party and Im gonna get you so drunk you won't know what hit you! ahahahah! too bad we couldn't do it before the wedding but I guess after you're married you get to go back in time and be a bachleorette again so its all good! alrighty then I guess I will stop there! I really really love you, and Im so happy for you and kinna sad (ok really sad) that I couldn't be there with you on that day, but im glad that your wedding turned out great and Im talking in circles! ahahah! we gotta spend some more time together now that im outta quorentine! hugs and kisses