I know I know, I'm lame and stupid, and I've been trying to think of something to write about for the past..........well however long it was when i last updated! Its been I while I know, I don't have any photos or anything, Oh but I did go visit lixy! and it was fun, lots of people were there, i took lixy out to karaoke because i told her I would for her birthday....I know sorry it took so long, but everything takes long these days, anyway Im sure lixy will post some photos on her blog of my visit...oh and did I tell you that i got drunk? yeah well its so not my fault....ok maybe it was but thats what happens when you work 6 days a week from 11 to 11.......you get tired, and when ur tired you get drunk quicker...anyway im sure it wasn't pretty, the next day wasn't very pretty...I caught myself a few times in a crowed restaurant just standing in the middle of the hall holding a tray and not remembering what i was about to do, good times, but I'm never doing that again EVER! (Don't say I always say that because I know i do and I just do it all over again because Im stupid I KNOW!!!) shhh! anyway in other news my hair is blond, again, its the summer look. I'll post some photos maybe, no promises, because im not very good at keeping those these days! ok well Im off to bed! I love you even though I don't EVER talk to you anymore, I still love you and I'm hoping I can keep these random posts coming! xoxox!!!