Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Happy Belated birthday post......

Happy birthday beautiful BFF! I know that this is late, but just for everyone's info, I sent her a card! I just wanted to say again that I love you and I hope this year will be great for you! oh yeah and we are going to have a great big birthday/new years/christmas/birthday/thanksgiving party when we get there! ahaha every holiday and birthday we missed we will combine it into one big party! and ken's not invited!!!! ahahahahahahaahahahahahaha luv you

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Righttt I forgot

So a while back I promised some photos and an exciting video! yeah, sorry I know I haven't gotten around to it yet! Im so sorry! I will soon though I promise! and two brothers came to visit us, cutie ben ben and Jo, so I think I have photos, one day, when I have all the time in the world, I will post them all in one big long post and everyone will be happy, but until then, have a merry christmas! uhu! love and peace, and etc etc etc......yeah! cheerz,

Friday, January 22, 2010

Just a quick update

To say that I will be posting photos of our karaoke that we went to the other day and a very exciting video featuring tsuby and ken! I know you can't wait right! Oh yes and tomorrow is mari's birthday and I would post something tomorrow but I have work early so i can't but I am going to take her out tomorrow to meet handsome men and do some drinking! yes! exciting times! well mare I hope you have a good birthday and be happy that you arn't working tomorrow because let me tell you that working on ur birthday sucks! so yes hope that you have a good sleep in and yummy breakfast etc. luv you tonz birthday princess! hope someone gives u a foot massage! ahahah! luv you

Look at how much we've changed over the years


Two Aquariuses:

2007 I think, good ol gathering days they forced us to go too:

Disgusting: 2008 remember koiwa?

Remember ur little theory mare? yes, I know I'm a fantastic artist! ahahah

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Please tell Lily that our party is gonna be better....thats all

p.s Art by Miharu...i think

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ima no hamari

Mari and I went to Karaoke the other day and we sang this song like 4 times! ahahah it was so much fun! right mare?

p.s cha thanks so much for the card! i got it! and I was so happy, then mari spilled ramen soup on it then I was sad, lol but thanks so much! I love you

Monday, November 30, 2009

Quick Hello and an even quicker good-bye

Hey I know im sorry I haven't been blogger, well anyway I just wanted to show you all where I worked so check it out----> "" as you can see I'm a very busy person! lol, anyway just wanted to give you a glimps of what the place I work looks like and if you arn't to busy then come visit me! have a great christmas! I love you

Friday, November 6, 2009

Look what I found!

we are sweet!!!! ahahaha made me laugh I dunno why, maybe I'm tired
and ken smells like a drunk old man, oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TSUBY!!!!! in 15 more minutes! ahahahahah sweet! peace