Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Happy Belated birthday post......

Happy birthday beautiful BFF! I know that this is late, but just for everyone's info, I sent her a card! I just wanted to say again that I love you and I hope this year will be great for you! oh yeah and we are going to have a great big birthday/new years/christmas/birthday/thanksgiving party when we get there! ahaha every holiday and birthday we missed we will combine it into one big party! and ken's not invited!!!! ahahahahahahaahahahahahaha luv you

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Righttt I forgot

So a while back I promised some photos and an exciting video! yeah, sorry I know I haven't gotten around to it yet! Im so sorry! I will soon though I promise! and two brothers came to visit us, cutie ben ben and Jo, so I think I have photos, one day, when I have all the time in the world, I will post them all in one big long post and everyone will be happy, but until then, have a merry christmas! uhu! love and peace, and etc etc etc......yeah! cheerz,