I just thot I should write a little about this years sakura and what i did,
if you read
Cha's blog then you will be able to see some photos from our sakura witnessing,
First day:
"Man its freezing today! I wonder if we will be able to dance in this weather?"
it was sooo cold and the wind was blowing. actually in the morning it was quite warm so I just put on a light jacket over my thin shirt. We met up with the other half of our team,(Cha, Joey, Greg, Elena, and Angie) and we started our day off with some practice(Thank God we did, cuz we really really sucked the first couple of times we danced!) I got soo sick of those songs I never ever wanna hear them again! ahah well Angel was fine but sukiyaki, man that song bugs me! anyway finnaly after like 2 hours of practice we finnaly decided that maybe now is a good time to "hit the streets" so we walked to the park, which was about 5 mins from the station, and guess what? the place was deserted! yup there was hardly anyone around, "great!! so much for practicing!" so we decided to look around and see if there was any other "potential" place to go to, and we found a nice little place close to that park (actually I think it was part of it..) and there we found alot of mats and alot of people so we decided to try this place, so off we went to the first mat..... Us:
"Hello!!! hi, we were wondering if you would like to see our dance that we prepared especially for the sakura season?"Them:
" No its ok, we don't need you to dance for us"Us:
" Why not?" but one girl was really nice and said
" I think they will really like it if you danced for them, (she spoke perfect english!)"Us:
"Ok so where do you want us to dance, here or over there?"then one really mean guy was like "
we don't want to see your dance, we are already talking about something else between us and so we don't want you to dance for us. besides I don't want it getting all dusty."Us:
"grrrrr, whats his problem! hes so mean! fine den you will regret not wanted us to dance for you!
So off we went to a different mat, this time we approched a larger mat, they seemed to be a little more um...happy so off we went
"Hey, we were wondering if you would like to see our dance that we made especially for this sakura season?"Them:
" Why?"Us:
"um because, we want to help lighten up the spirit and make this sakura season a memorible time for you!"Them:
"hmmm, ok sure, yeah we want to see you dance."Yippy! ok so we dance like two songs for them and then they want to take photos with us, so they grab the nearest girl.....(Lily, kawaiso ni, happened to be that girl)
and yeah I don't know all the details but that guy was alittle bit of a sukebe! ahaha! anyway she was alittle grosed out after that whole deal, poor thing,
anyway yeah after that we went to like two more mats and they were really nice, but yes it was a good day but it was a fight to "get off the ground" but I guess it was worth it cuz even tho we didn't get so many souls and stuff on the first day, some of the people we met were really really nice people so in the end it was worth all the problems we had on that day.
ok this became kinna long so I guess I will finnish my story tomorrow or something. dakara
--to be continued--