Day two:
Today we started the day off with hearing from the Lord about yesterday and in what way we could improve our show, and like always the Lord gave us some very good advice on how we could be our brothers keepers and how we can be more united and all that stuff. Today we also had our CTP. So today we started a bit later like around 7:30 (yesterday we started at 6:00) and David and Liz's whole family came, it was really fun, we did witnessed and danced alot this time and almost all the mats we asked said yes! wahoo! actually the whole time we were there only one mat said "No" to us..(which happened to be the mat I asked..sob!) so it was really fun, and tiring, all the girls came home with brused Knees(except for Cha and me, cuz we were trying to "protect" our pants! ahaha! so we hardly were kneeling!) but yeah the witnessing was great fun, and we got like 58 souls. yeah I was really rusty on the whole getting people saved thing, cuz ususally I don't witness by my self usually I do it with someone else and I just basically end up saying the prayer, ahaha! so yeah i was super rusty, but the Lord came through for me and that was great! ahaha! all thanks to him! at the last place we did our dancing it was for like a couple mats, and after we danced and got everyone saved one guy came up to us and said that he was really touched by our dancing, because not so many people these days do things for others, wahoo! supper nice guy! anyway yeah all that to say it was a great sakura season, I got to dance with alot of great people, (cha you're the best!) and even tho we were really sucky dancers (um no offence) no one noticed cuz they were drunk! ahahah! yeah so it was great!
I would stick a photo up but I don't got any so yeah..........wait I might be able to find one....
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