Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday: Dad
Itsumo watashitachi no koto sewashitekurete arigato, I hope you have the bestest year ever, Love you lots!

Happy Birthday: Lixy
I really love you! I can't wait to see you again! I'm really glad you are coming back to Japan. big birthday hug and kiss! aishitemasu!!

Happy Birthday: Brian
I think you are really cool! keep it up! I hope you have a great year! gambattene?

Happy Birthday: Ginny and Timmy
Can't wait to see you guys at the camp! I know you arn't gonna read this but I just wanted to say I love you both. have a great birthday ne? muwah!


  1. happy birthday cha!:D..ahahaha..:p
    the party was fun no?? er..well..lots of running and burising bottoms but..none the less, fun?:D

  2. yeah I guess so! ahaha it was fun to watch!
