Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Hey guys,
.............hehe....yeah I know I FINNALLY am posting some photos! pretty good of me eh? yeah sorry alot has been happining in these few days...hey what can I say? I'm a busy person! ahahah (ok yeah I know what you are thinking, and its probably true! ahahah!) ehem anyway yeah here they are................oh yeah btw these photos were taken at the park on one of the last days, um because I didn;t bring my cam...yeah you know the story.


  1. AHHHHH ... ABI!!! GRACIE!!!! I miss ya'll soooo much!!! And Shinjer too!!! Makes me so sad again ....
    beautiful people .... SIGH SIGH SIGH ....
    iina mika

  2. shinji looks like...himself

  3. he is very much himself..........I think

  4. shinji is so handsome, and i love how he looks so happy. he makes me happy.
