Thursday, May 3, 2007

Happy Birthday

JONIEE!!! Happy Birthday! genki ni shiteru? miss you tonz!!

Jonie turned 20 today. cool eh? ahahah! anyway I hope that this year will be better then then last, i hope you got to throw yourself that party. ahahah! Come back to japan when you get enough money eh? Inoteruyou! happy 20th birthday, and may all your dreams and wishes come true!


  1. Happy Birthday to Joniee!!! Hope the day is filled with great fun and happiness...have a great time and enjoy your spacial day!!!

  2. my hunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all grown up and 20...boohoo...i love u!!

  3. Ahahah ... the only photo I didnt have the guts to post ... I thought it was too mean of me ... I knew we all loves jonie ...

  4. yo babes!
    guess who misses you! not ME! ahahah kidding! of course I miss you miks! but i'm having too much fun here that I don't have time to lie alone in my bed at night and cry as I think of you! hahahahaha, maybe..another time! haha, I hope you're having a good time over in Chiba!! i'll be seeing you sooner then you'll want! ahahaha, you'll be like..CHA! GO BACK!! hee hee, holiday while Cha is gone:p
    ok must run!! but know that someone over here is missing and loving you ok??
    muwa muwa

  5. hahahhaaha I forgot jonies birthday!!..... or more like I never knew when it was....oh well.

    Happy birthday....bah, he never goes on blogs why am I wishing him one? hee hee.

  6. haha i love jonie! hes the best!
