Monday, July 23, 2007

The silence is broken

Sorry for my silence, but heck, whatever, anyway, tomorrow everyone will be off to the AIP camp which leaves me stuck at home with all the roudy, loud children, pray for my sanity! ahaha yeah whatever ok! I know what you are thinking, and I didn't lose my sanity years ago ok? ahahah! anyway I guess I will miss everyone, but one of the perks of being at home alone, the computer is all mine!!!! whoohoo! Everyone Will be back on the 27th, and when I say everyone I mean everyone, Mari, sam and dad will be coming back on that day as well so our room (girls room) will be a big big big pile of clothes, and I will be lucky if I could find my bed, because the two girls lily and mari, will be unpacking, and since I never put my clothes away they will be all over the floor as well , so, yeah, anyway thats about it, I be back, in a couple of days with pictures from Italy, and hopefully the AIP camp, Luv you guys! have a good one


  1. you're not going?????? NANNDE!?!!

  2. because its for jrs to srs and I'm a YA and I wasn't invited for staff, ahaha thats why
