Friday, August 17, 2007

Last minute packing is the way to go, Amen? AMEN!!!!...................................................................ehe


  1. miks..
    I have to DISAGREE...
    well..these days I AM starting to pack like..three or two days before the time to go, BUT..if you're going for three weeks..tsk tsk..
    i'm still mad at you. you have to make it up later
    grin wink chuckle:p

  2. ahahah yeah yeah, three weeks is along time, I stayed up till like 3 in the morning trying to remember what i have to pack,packing and I also cleaned the room, then I forced myself to wake up at 8 this morning for word time and part two of cleaning the room, and then I had to shop for the things that I needed but didn't have, so I'm really tired, and I'm also starting to regret this last minute packing business, eheh! oh well next time. *yawn*
