Thursday, September 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

The lessons you taught, the love you share, the mom you are. So many reasons to love you. So many reasons to celebrate you today. Happy Birthday Mom


  1. I love you so much, Mika. Thanks for calling this morning. It was so nice to talk to you on the phone. Thanks for the nice BD note. It touched my heart deeply. and thanks for the yummy sushi. Mari brought me the yummy beautiful sushi package and said, "This is from Mika." What a sweet thing you did for me. I'm looking forward to having you back. Although we are apart on this special day, we're still bonded tightly with special love. Thank you, Mika, my precious sweet daughter. I love you soooo much!!xxx

  2. happy birthday A. Abigail! well..belated, gomen!!!!!!!!:(!
    wishing you only the best this year!!

  3. Thank you, Cha-chan. You are always so sweet to me. I'm so thankful for you. Thanks for your love & encouragement. I love you! -A.Abigail

  4. Abigail? Naomi kara kawatta no?

    ....or is aunty naomi not your real mom....?

    ahee, this is what happens when I'm away from japan for too long.

  5. ahahahahahahhahaha sooo funny joan! ahaha yeah my mom changed her name to abigail, dayou! luv you
