Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Yo People!

Happy 2008 To All You Lovely People Out There!

This picture is Madi and me at Gusto really early in the morning, we were in there from 5, mari me and akari, we were all dead tired, oh well, thats why the weird faces and the bags. ahahaha anyway 今年もよろしくお願いします、そしていい年になりますように祈ってます!I love you soooo much!!!

more pictures from new year is coming stay tuned!


  1. Where's the post for "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOBO!"?

  2. sorry nob, didn't do one, because I was busy dayou!! gomen ne? anyway happy birthday and I hope you have a grand one! I mean new year! yeah luv you

  3. Mika my dear, I love you very much, and, incidently, I love Isamu also. But please tell him, the hair has to GO.



    P.S. I have been seeing photos of Ivan. He is very handsome young man!

  4. I don't think you can get sam to cut his hair, hes becoming a true jap, and their hair is like the most importaint thing! I love you too! nice to hear from you

  5. hai, u tu des...(sry can't help it)
