Sunday, March 2, 2008

A werid update.........

Nomi and I got a huge kick outta this:

Just to let everyone know, Im in soka home visting people...actually more like bothering them but whatever!! anyway I have no time to update these silly things so forgive me! I do love you still though, and I hope you have a good night. I will update soon ut for now you can watch this and be happy! I love you lots


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHHAH OMG! that is sucha good one!

  2. oooh yeah this was so ridiculously hilarios!!! :D :D

  3. That is a bit queer,and I really think you need to pray more b4 you post things like this on your blog. Were Christians and as such the content of our blogs should reflect that sample.

  4. aahahahha!! well, if your faith is gonna be stumbled by this please don't look. I just posted it, its your choice to click and watch! GBY!!

  5. Its not a case of faith or preference, if the content is ungodly then its ungodly, it doesn't matter whether I am turned on by it or not, but you knew that already.

  6. BTW I think you blog is fun to look and interesting to look at once in a while, I just thought I should say something about the last post, lol. GBY, love you.

  7. well thank you for your input, I will keep it in mind.

  8. chill JR,no need 2 get all se.f righteous on the world with Toyota theories.we all have our choices right???

  9. neways,ur killing my buzz and jon's too so shut up will ya?? cheers bro.
    --mikey's bro

  10. besides,there would be no reason 2 go on a holy crusade if everyone in the world was perfect right???

  11. haha Mika it's such a funny one! They're sooo ugly! ahhaa!

  12. btw its maiki not mikey and u shud just say gabe you know? hahaha

  13. yeah he should just say "gabe" but I think he wanted to sound cooler! ahahahh! luv you

  14. Sorry, my bad. Don't want to disturb the peace in Soddom and Gomorrah,lol. And you're right we all have our choices it doesn't make them right though, but you knew that already. And sorry for ruining your "buzz", I'll keep the word..oh.. oops I mean my theories to myself.
    BTW there's a flee market on the 23rd let me know if you want me to pick up any thing for you. Peace bro. Junior.

  15. Sorry, my bad. Don't want to disturb the peace in Soddom and Gomorrah,lol. And you're right we all have our choices it doesn't make them right though, but you knew that already. And sorry for ruining your "buzz", I'll keep the word..oh.. oops I mean my theories to myself.
    BTW there's a flee market on the 23rd let me know if you want me to pick up any thing for you. Peace bro. Junior.

  16. yeah dude, pick up some cool stuff for me.

  17. now now lets not be sensitive all right? how about we all love and have an orgy a'ight?

  18. Ok, lets all use nice language on my blog please!

  19. So Ginsan, come out of your closet! It's one thing to comment anonymously, but its real stupid to hide behind other peoples names, or maybe its a new role playing game from the "sister" cities that I don't know about, what ever it is it doesn't sound to good. As far as the "fuck you, Junior!" I'm not so into into that sickness, bro, and you shouldn't be into it either, it's gross. God bless and I'm sure there are girls in your home with nail polish remover who are more then glad to let you borrow some. God bless you. Peace out . Junior.

  20. poor Mika! leave her blog alone!!

  21. jr chill man...dont take everything so personally.

  22. Sure pones, its all good. But that ought to get an earful once a year or so. And just because a a message is strong doesn't mean it wasn't from a very chilled out mouth. Hope you had a good trip dude see you soon.Jr

  23. we should get all these drama queens nominees together for their premier where they can win the Anal Award

  24. urusai!! dosn't the drummer guy look like gabe? shhh don't tell him I said that!! ahahah!
