Awww look at my friend, isn't she pretty? ok well anyway summer vacation in like 2 days! wahoo! can't wait! tomorrow is gonna be our last job for like three weeks so when we come back our hands are gonna be all soft and girly, and then we are gonna get blisters and stuff like that again! blah! oh well, oh yeah mari already went to niigatta on the 30th, so I have the room and the fan to myself, Samu, Maiki and Jamie are gonna be going to niigatta on the 4th and the hokkaido team is gonna be going on the 2nd which means Ivan and I are gonna be the only ones from our "group" left, the young people I mean, well we plan to do alot of traveling, and stuff like that, we are gonna be going to Chachans place for like a week and do alot of other fun stuff, anyway thats the basic summer update! wishing you all a great great summer vacation! luv you lots
p,s I will try to post some photos of Ivan and gregs busking they did the other day, and some other photos, the comp is being weird and slow so right now I am using dan and tearz comp and the pics arn't on the comp yet, so be patiant! luv you
she IS pretty!
ReplyDeletenyahaha, where did you get that photo? I nevvvver saw it before!
You look amazingly beautiful for a pregnant lady Cha & still so skinny.
ReplyDeleteMika, you're so lucky to get 3 weeks of summer vacation, pout.
ahahaha I know
ReplyDeleteI'm just so cool! lol! kidding well we will be seeing you sometime next year yeah? can't wait! luv you
p.s cha, I got this photo....I'm not so sure but its cool eh? ahahah
aw, lol, thanks Crystal!:)
ReplyDeleteyeah mika it's such a cool photo, especially how my shirt says let's PARTY! it's like..right..pg..party? lol. I think you got this one from my dad...
I saw it somewhere. anyways, see you during VAC!