Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas (yeah i know its late) and a Happy new year (yeah i know its early!)! Before I forget! ahahha! I'm back at my parents place for the holidays, how exciting is that? Mari, Isamu and Ivan all took off to Niigatta for new years break, good timing for me eh? ahahahha! so I'm just chilling the house making a big mess for Mari to clean up afterwards, that's what she gets for leaving me here by my self (ahahah I"m just kidding about the mess. BTW) and I have a job from the first till the forth, I happily am dragging ken along with me so I won't be alone on new year! ahahaha! what else is there...........actually there is nothing much else going on, I'm gonna go visit my BFF tonight, (I'm gonna try to get her drunk!) ahahahahahaah! I'm kidding, but I'm gonna try to get Jason drunk! ahahah that would be funny! OK maybe not so funny, don't worry about me I'm just going crazy, OK well I gotta go get ready to go so I will be seeing you soon, and I hope that you guys all have a smashing new years party! luv you!

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