WARNING: if you think I was going kinna crazy in the first half of this post, do not read anymore.
Random other facts and things about my life
1. recently my eyes are puffy, I think its lack of sleep, I take long naps at the store durning break time
2. I ate a freakishly hot pepper today(hottest chilli pepper in japan日本に一番辛い唐辛子 sayith my boss), burned my whole mouth for like 30 minutes, (yes I am bring you back some tearz don't worry! I'll get them to you tomorrow)
3. my boss gave me some goyas I have no intention on eating them, so I'm bring them to you mum, enjoy.
4. I pealed alot of garlic today and made mash potatos for the restrant.
5. I watched "Princess Protection Program" tonight. I like disney movies
6. I went to the beach for the first time this year on tuesday, it was fun. we did firecrackers and then went to karaoke after!
7. I got hit by a car, but my whole life didn't flash before my eyes, thats how I knew I wasn't gonna die
8. Im super tired, so Im going to go to bed
9. I love you and I hope you have a good night
10. tomorrow is carpet job and I'm super excited!
11. heres a sweet picture of 1/3 of the crazy people I went to the beach with:

have a good night!
you totally and unexpectedly caught me by surprise! mika, I am so proud of you!!
man Miks, you seriously need like, a WHOLE day in like, a spa place where you just relax and have time to regain all your energy and spark.
one day I'll take you. remember ten thousand years ago when I used to spend freeday at your place?? I promised you I would one day take you!? well that promise is still on!!
love you babe! and keep up the posts kay??
dont over work your self and get good rest ne? XXX