Monday, December 31, 2007

-*-*-*-Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year-*-*-*-

We Like Snow!!.....well I like snow, don't know about you but yeah anyway!! I missed a Christmas post. I mean I forgot to post on Christmas, pathetic but true, but its fine because everyone posted Christmas stuff on their blogs at Christmas......I don't know what I'm trying to get at here, but anyway Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! I know I haven't posted in ages, but I hope that all these photos that I'm about to post will make up for lost time....yeah whatever that's suposto mean. Ok here are some photos from our family's Christmas dinner! Enjoy, there are actually allot more photos but I will have to get them from Dan cuz he has a whole bunch, but right now hes not around because he has a wedding on new years, the couple wants to get married right on new years so yeah I will get them later! well ok I will stop rambling. Its so weird it seems like suddenly I have a whole bunch of stuff to say!!! ahahahahahah! ok sorry here you go! have fun!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

There is a reason for everything....

Hello!!!! sorry about that! lol! I was gonna update sooner, but then I was really busy and all that other stuff that makes a good excuse! hahah, uso daaa!!! ok well there has a been christmas stuff going on here, you know all the witnessning, shows, events and all that other stuff that makes christmas christmas. I'm going home soon, on the 26th, for my dear brother sams birthday and for our familys christmas party, Lily is gonna come back too, so we will all be home except for mari who refuses to come back, so whatever we are gonna let her stay in 新潟 because she really wants to, or whatever. I'm happy I get to see everyone again, and i'm also gonna go see cha on the 26th!! yay!!!! can't wait to see everyone again!!! hehehe! anyway this is just a big blob of nonsense, and everything. oh yeah, It snowed here today, I took some photos, so i will try to post them soon, I have a lot of photos that I have to post but, I don't really get on line so much here, so i will do it when I get back...maybe, anyway I love you tonz!! have a good day!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm alive....and kicking?

Harro harro!!! Its been so long I know, well it was mostly because I didn:t really have anything to there, anyway last week on free day we had a get together with the other home in this area, these arn:t such good photos because this cam takes nasty photos in weird lighting so anyway forgive the quality, eheh. I'll try to take my camera around more, so I have more stuff to post. lol, anyway this will have to do for now. Luv you, and I miss you guys all, (you know who you areeeee)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

just an update.....

well not really an update, but here are the very very last pictures we took the very last ones! gosh everyone is so into their phones!!! ahaha oh well here is an update, its freezing here!!!!!!! my toes are always frozen always!!! taking showers are painful! ahhhhhh
anyways I loves you

Sunday, October 21, 2007

For now:

I leave you with the last silly photos you will see for a while, we are all going our seperate ways. its so sweet! ahahahah! ok don't mind me, I;m just trying to get out my last bit of foolishness before I have to be serious at the PEP, being a nice baby sitter quietly sitting in the cornner. its gonna be sweet. so yeah anyway here you go. I love you have a nice day.

Oh Oh!! one more thing! my new red hair! isn't it spiffy?