Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mini family reunion

So maybe i will add a few more thoughts before I close this blog down, ehe, well acutally i just wanted to tell you about my day yesterday, we went to visit Gracies home, it was actually quite fun, more fun the I originally thought it to be. and I also wanted to get some photos with grace and stuff, but I forgot my camera in the house, so actully the photos I'm posting here today are just the last few hours of our trip! which was quite exciting, with lots of blisters and whining (which of course came from me! eheh) and lots of walking! no seriously, tonz of walking we were sooo hungry,and by the end of our trip all we can think was "Yes I will super size that!" ahahaha! . but anyway pictures are worth a thousand words, so i will just post some photos, nope there are none of me but there are tonz of....well the people who were sitting across from me! ahahahah! Oh yeah and we took purikuras I will try to get them on the comp but If i can't then yeah whateverrrr. who wants to see them anyway? ok well anyway here it is! Luv you guys
P.S just to let you know, in the third picture, lily isn't crying and Ivan isn't trying to comfort her, lils is just having a "laughing spell" just thought I should let you know! ahaha!


  1. hmmmm how can it be a family renunion with out me??? ahhahah! JK! i really missed out eh?

  2. omg p u m. ur GUNNA end this blog? dooooooooooooorkkkkk
