I actually don't remember were we first met, because I think I've known her all my life. Shes a great friend, makes me laugh, we actually get along quite well for being two very strong people, with strong personalities. of course we had our times where we would punch eachother and pull each others hair out, but for the most part I think we got along pretty well. I love Angela and I always will. Wishing you the best for your new year, I hope I can see you again sometime, you know if you ever wanna come back to japan you can come to my home! ahah I love you soooo much! and Happy birthday Cutie!!! (that picture of that first gathering is priceless! ahaha! everyone is so young. ahahha btw I got all these off your hi5 because you never send me photos or emails for that matter! ahah I still love you though!)

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