Thursday, March 22, 2007

NEW JOY, NEW BOY...ok that was dorky.hehe!

Last night, well actually it was this morning at 5:38 A new life was born into this world: Derek Hiroshi Sakai (I think that's the name, they weren't quite sure, I'll update you on that one latter) Thank you everyone for your prayers, It looked really ouchy, I mean everyone was saying "oh this is normal" but it really didn't look normal, GOD BLESS ALL YOU MOMMIES!! This whole night was Kinna blended into one big fuzzy memory, but I will try to remember it as I go. anyway it started like yesterday, she was having contractions like all day, I don't really know how that went because I was out witnessing, anyway she started having stronger ones (like 15 mins apart) around 10 so I walked with her around our area just so you know the baby comes quicker, anyway we were walking for about an hour, and it was freezing! and every 15 mins she would have her little contractions, and then we would keep walking some more. When we finally went back inside the house, she called the hospital and told them that it was 15 mins apart, so they told her to come, so we were getting ready and all that mommy stuff she had to do, (good thing the hospital is close) we got there around 12 am, or so, and they checked her, and then we went up stares to her room, cuz you know it always takes like a long time for the baby to finally be prepared to come out, so Dan would read to her while she was having contractions and I would massage her, that went on for about 3 or 4 hours. anyway it seemed like forever!! and finally she said she felt like pushing, and they checked her and said that that thing whatever it is opened all the way so she was ready to push, um I ended up staying in the delivery room, I had to hold this heart beat thing to her stomach, to see if the baby was "genki" seriously, my arm was cramped up, but then again, Tearz was in allot more pain then me so that made the cramp all the more bearable, anyway, after 40 mins of pushing, Derek finally popped his head out, and thent he body came tumbling after it, it was purple, the baby was purple, cuz the cord was wrapped around its head, I was like "" ahahah seriously, it was quite traumatizing, then the placenta came out, and that is something I don't ever want to see again! anyway it was a good experience for me, but I think next time I will stay outside, well I was Kinna giving Tirzah a run on translation, the whole time so, yeah. Anyway the baby is fine and the mommy is fine, thanks again for your prayers. Pictures will be posted soon!
I love you


  1. aww WLY Tirzah!!!
    and gby mika chan for being a good girl!! now you can tell Derek, years from now, "I was at your birth!!" tadan!!
    love you babe!!
    post pics.

  2. Tell Tearz that I admire her so much! and Congratulations for no.5!!!
    I love you guys and miss you lots!

  3. woah...... a pretty detailed explaination eh?

  4. ahah yeah sorry! I could get more detailed was kinna gross, so yeah

  5. Oh btw people his name is Derek Tatsuki, not Hiroshi. although I like Hiroshi better Dan thought it was to "common" peace!!

  6. MIKA! what is wrong with our blog! did you change the password or..user name?? says none of them are correct..
    what's goen on dude...

  7. cha I said i made a g-mail account, you gotta sign in by that, I sent the info to your chat so just chekc it out! ok? luv you

  8. mika, posts some pics of my new nephew!

  9. hai hai! gambarimasu! saikin ne, watashitachi choto isogashii no, papa toka wa inai kara, but I'll try to do it today ok? luv you lots
