Thursday, April 20, 2006

Family, Friends,Music and Cleaning

Today Lily, Ivan and I went to help the PC with cleaning out the apartment they were using for the warehouse cuz they were closeing it down, that place was kinna grose, but actually not as bad as we all expected to be. we spent like half the day there, from around 12pm-4pm so it wasn't so bad, and we had music so that was good,if not i don't think I would have made 4 hours of cleaning! I think waxing the floors was the funnest! I got so into it that I almost boxed ken in! ahah good thing he caught me before that happened, or else i think he would still be stuck there! teehee, kidding! its nice to see everything when it was clean, it was kinna like "hey this was actually white hu?"

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