Monday, August 28, 2006

LILY!! YOU'RE 19!!

you are 19, too cool, I wanna be 19!! ahah kidding, anyway your great, good sister, fun to be around..(most of the time.), You Clean my room, and you make sure I'm doing ok, you share your "Happy Juice" with me and make me happy too. when I am a priss you play along, when I am mad you leave me alone, you let me camp out on the floor when its hot, and don't get mad at me when I don't make my bed, when we both race to the phone you let me pick it up, you wash my laundry, and share your shampoo with me, you buy me ice-cream, and If you don't have money to buy two you share yours with me, you still get me birthday presents even though I never get you any, and your really happy when I buy you tea. yeah we've been thought alot of stuff, and we are still rooming together so I guess thats a good sign, I love you lots hope you read this, hey wait I can tell you to read this..You live with me! ahaha I almost forgot! ahah! love you lots
oh and one more thing she dosn't get mad at me when I put photos of her on my blog (hint hint)!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Before and After:

Ok I don't think I changed that much, but my sister said I did, so maybe its just me! But Mari and sam, gosh, they changed tonz!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


ok I have been having problems so I can't really post any photos right now, something is wrong, yeah, sorry! luv you

Sunday, August 13, 2006

To: My Brother

I love Jo because....
He is sweet,
He is funny,
He is happy,
He gets mad at me when I don't post anything about him on my blog,
He always makes me smile,
He said he won't tease me if I let him stay at my home,
He is my brother,
He loves me,
He biked all the way to ones mall to see me.
I love Jo

(ok you better be happy now Jo!! ahah J/K)

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Whats up?

Guess what? Alot of things are happining around here recently, so much stuff that I can't even keep up with it all, ok I guess its not that much stuff, but definatlly something big is happining here. ok here it goes
well first of all, we are starting our summer vacation! wahoo! fun, fun, fun!!!! swimming, theater, beaches, sleep-ins! ahh so relaxing, (I'll post some photos when I take some.)
Angie is here visiting for about 2 weeks, new people are always a good thing ne?
Aika was also here for 2 days and 1 night, tanoshikata, we went witnessing together, and did lots of other stuff, Oh but the biggest thing that is happining ( it didn't happen yet, its happining haha) is:
My Dear Sister-In-Law, Tirzah is.....................Pregnate, with number 5! wahoo, uhu congratulations! when her tummy gets nice and big and cute I'll post some photos.
anyway that is all for now. stay tuned for photos. well her is one photo I found of Dan, Tearz and there four kids,(I hope they don't mind) soon to be 5! I hope its a girl.

Friday, August 4, 2006

I love you Lixy

I love Lixy and I lixy loves me! she was gone in Brazil for way to long, its good to have her back! now shes here and I will never let her go....without me that is! I love you lix!!