Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Mecha Isogashikata kurisumasu deshita, demo yapari sugoku tanoshikata. Mainichi nanka sugoku bata bata shitete, yasumu hima nanka nakata. I'm kind of sad that is over, but at the same time kind of relieved! Next comes new year, and winter vacation! OH YEAH! bring it on! Wahoo!!! Today was Angelights Last show of the year! Otsukaresama deshita. soshite ashita wa David and liz's family will be going to Kushu for two weeks, and Dear ol Joe sama will be going home! Bye bye Joey! cya around man! And Bye Cha chan you will be missed...I think.....ahha kidding I will miss you!! have fun eh? We will take care of your dear bird and turtle while you are gone.
Anyway enough with that, Yesterday was dear sam sam's 16th birthday!! and also our Home christmas party! It was fun, alot of people came, oh yeah, including mari and angie, (By the way everyone Mari is home, so if you wanna visit you better start booking now! ahahah usoda!!) Angie is staying untill tomorrow! so yeah bye angie! but you will be back soon anyway right?
Abe and Miki also came with daigo! yay!! we took some photos so I guess I will post them as soon as I can get my hands on some, we are alittle short on camras since dad's broke...anyway I'm leaving now! I love you all and Have a happy new year!

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