Saturday, December 26, 2009


Please tell Lily that our party is gonna be better....thats all

p.s Art by Miharu...i think

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ima no hamari

Mari and I went to Karaoke the other day and we sang this song like 4 times! ahahah it was so much fun! right mare?

p.s cha thanks so much for the card! i got it! and I was so happy, then mari spilled ramen soup on it then I was sad, lol but thanks so much! I love you

Monday, November 30, 2009

Quick Hello and an even quicker good-bye

Hey I know im sorry I haven't been blogger, well anyway I just wanted to show you all where I worked so check it out----> "" as you can see I'm a very busy person! lol, anyway just wanted to give you a glimps of what the place I work looks like and if you arn't to busy then come visit me! have a great christmas! I love you

Friday, November 6, 2009

Look what I found!

we are sweet!!!! ahahaha made me laugh I dunno why, maybe I'm tired
and ken smells like a drunk old man, oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TSUBY!!!!! in 15 more minutes! ahahahahah sweet! peace

Monday, October 19, 2009


I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday, and sorry that I didn't get most of your calls, I was working, all day, and mari took me out for my birthday I will post some photos of that later, there aren't that many but i better some than none, or whatever, anyway, in other news, my eye is swollen now, and it hurts, hopefully it will get better by tomorrow, or else i will have to go to work again looking like someone punched me, which is not pretty, I told my boss that if my eye swells really big im gonna buy a eye patch and a pirates hat and then tell the customers that im dressing up for halloween, argg! ahahah anyway thats about it, so thank you, and have a good day,

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Well, well

first off Cha I'd like to say, I didn't forget, I just couldn't get a connection last night, and I just got back from work.

Happy Birthday Godson! lol

see everyone loves you.
I can't believe its been a year since you were born, you know when people say "It seems like it was just yesterday" and we laugh because its really cliche and everyone says it? well this time it really does feel like it was just yesterday when your mommy was lying on the bed kicking me because you wouldn't come out, and the midwife kept telling her to push, and you just wouldn't come out, and your daddy and my neck was getting sore because your mommy has a lot of strength, she might not seem like it but she does and when women are in allot of pain, their strength seems to double, but not your mom, your moms strength tripled I think i still have a foot mark in my side, anyway so to make a looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg story short, you finally popped your head out and said hello, and your mommy was happy and shhh don't tell him I told you this but your daddy was crying, teehee! you made allot of people really happy when you came into this world, the best little god son anyone could ask for, and even though sometimes you think I'm being mean......don't take it personally, Im mean to everyone! ahahah! Just know that I love you,

I know bad photo of us, its the only one I have though, we'll have to take more soon.

Happy First Birthday, even though you can't read this, (if you can you're weird) I hope that you're mom will read it to you and that you will make funny noises and pretent to understand what i am saying!

Oh and next time your mommy tries to feed to to a large group of people, its because she loves you and wants everyone to have a taste of you.
have a great year!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Sunny Days


A happy picture of me that elena just sent! the good ol days. don't I look cute? ahahaha don't answer that. oh and another picture el just sent to me, Me and Ivan taking a random shot, very random we look sweet though, so yeah nice sunny days

Anyway! Hope you all have sunny days! I luvith you!

p.s don't mind the overly darkly drawn eyebrows, I didn't know what I was thinking. sorry to disturb your minds or whatever was disturbed!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

when you're young waking up in the morning is a happy occation.......

Or maybe it isn't Its been a while, lol the other day i went to my parents place, they moved to hamano, yes in THAT house. (if you don't get it then whatever) anyway it was early in the morning (yes 9 o'clock is early!!!!) and I came downstairs and all the kids were just getting up, and there was this one child whos name I forgot, he was staring at me and smiling, and he would not stop smiling, I wish i could be that happy in the morning, he kinna started freaking me out though that i had to ask tearz "why the heck is he smiling" and she told me he's always freakishly happy in the morning unlike derek who is the grumpiest person on plannet earth (a child after my own heart) anyway, I just though I'd share that with you just incase you don't believe that there are still people or children who can be happy when they wake up in the morning, it's great, kinna grows on you, you know the whole smiling thing, I think I found myself smiling to myself after that....Im not so sure though my brain kinda of gets foggy at 3 in the morning.............
WARNING: if you think I was going kinna crazy in the first half of this post, do not read anymore.

Random other facts and things about my life
1. recently my eyes are puffy, I think its lack of sleep, I take long naps at the store durning break time
2. I ate a freakishly hot pepper today(hottest chilli pepper in japan日本に一番辛い唐辛子 sayith my boss), burned my whole mouth for like 30 minutes, (yes I am bring you back some tearz don't worry! I'll get them to you tomorrow)
3. my boss gave me some goyas I have no intention on eating them, so I'm bring them to you mum, enjoy.
4. I pealed alot of garlic today and made mash potatos for the restrant.
5. I watched "Princess Protection Program" tonight. I like disney movies
6. I went to the beach for the first time this year on tuesday, it was fun. we did firecrackers and then went to karaoke after!
7. I got hit by a car, but my whole life didn't flash before my eyes, thats how I knew I wasn't gonna die
8. Im super tired, so Im going to go to bed
9. I love you and I hope you have a good night
10. tomorrow is carpet job and I'm super excited!
11. heres a sweet picture of 1/3 of the crazy people I went to the beach with:

have a good night!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the hair pictures!

yes here we are the hair pictures, just like I promised back to blond.....well actually it looks lighter in the pictures then in real life hahaha anyway have a good day!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Dear Friend

I know I know, I'm lame and stupid, and I've been trying to think of something to write about for the past..........well however long it was when i last updated! Its been I while I know, I don't have any photos or anything, Oh but I did go visit lixy! and it was fun, lots of people were there, i took lixy out to karaoke because i told her I would for her birthday....I know sorry it took so long, but everything takes long these days, anyway Im sure lixy will post some photos on her blog of my visit...oh and did I tell you that i got drunk? yeah well its so not my fault....ok maybe it was but thats what happens when you work 6 days a week from 11 to get tired, and when ur tired you get drunk quicker...anyway im sure it wasn't pretty, the next day wasn't very pretty...I caught myself a few times in a crowed restaurant just standing in the middle of the hall holding a tray and not remembering what i was about to do, good times, but I'm never doing that again EVER! (Don't say I always say that because I know i do and I just do it all over again because Im stupid I KNOW!!!) shhh! anyway in other news my hair is blond, again, its the summer look. I'll post some photos maybe, no promises, because im not very good at keeping those these days! ok well Im off to bed! I love you even though I don't EVER talk to you anymore, I still love you and I'm hoping I can keep these random posts coming! xoxox!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Like i promised

here you go hope you enjoy!!! luv ya!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

just because......

the picture on the front is quite disturbing, i thought i should post something else,
on free day we went bowling, and took puris so i'll post those up later! when i get the time, i didn't bring my cam so i can't post any of the bowling, sorry, it was quite fun though, and after all the sweet brothers had a kicking competition on the little kicking machine, ken actually got the highscore, so next time we go we are gonna check if anyone else beet him! lol! well thats about it......oh I went for my first day of work yesterday, it was good, didn't really do much, just setting up the place before it opens and I found out what im gonna be doing.....which isn't that much different from what i do in the house so all is good! lol! anyway thats about it! luv you! keep the peace and the chill!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


a little glimpse of what happens on the way to work, right before we all conk out in the car! lol (hey! i have no thing else to post ok???? but i thought it might be a good time for an update! peace out!)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So finally after the third time, i was able to take my learners permit test, and i failed, that's right, i didn't pass, i know everyone thinks I'm the "smart" one in the family but in reality, I'm just as dumb as you are! ahahahaha, well the reason why i had to go their three times was
the first time: I was to late for the test
the second time: I didn't have the right paper work
the third time: i finally got to take it,
and really, it was a tiring three days, yesterday i came home and then slept till like 5 in the afternoon, argg! anyway I'm going to give it another go on the 18th, so wish me luck!!! have a good day everyone:
Ooooo here is a song that i really like, one of my favorite songs this week, so enjoy!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

some pix

here we are!!! sorry it always takes a while for me to update my blog, anyway if I didn't tell you well now you know --------keep reading----> Im trying to take my drivers license!!! woohooo! wish me luck! hopefully I'll be a good driver and everything will be just fine! hahha anyway hope you like the photos! luv you all! peace and love, oh and the brotherhood of men! "wink"!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


To a beautiful lady.........

I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


"The will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot protect you."

Friday, April 10, 2009

I guess I should......

Punch you! ahahahah! you thought I was gonna say update! ahahahah! I tricked yoU!!! ok I know Im being a weirdo, its all the Dye fumes its killing my brain cells, anyway heres what I do when I am bored

yeah, I know DON"T TELL ME!!! its splotchy! thank you, I already knew that!!!! GOD BLESS YOU FOR NOTICING!!! not like I even CARE what YOU THINK!!!! bye! have a good day!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Just here to tell you........

This is a awesome song!

The Fray--how to save a life:

Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And you begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Monday, March 30, 2009

Another best friend leaving me.......

I'll miss you tonz! come back soon! and send me some photos! luv you tonz and tonz

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Not that I enjoy confessing things, I'm doing this for Joan so have fun reading it, because this is the only time you will be hearing any of my confessions! so here it goes

Confession no.1: I hate spaghetti, that mushy red stuff that tastes like tomatoes! not my thing, really not my thing

Confession no.2: I'm scared of dogs and I dislike animals, they are stinky and I don't like them, so a trip to the zoo or hiking in the mountains to look at horses is not my idea of fun.

Confession no.3: I love my cigarettes (enough said)

Confession no.4: When I was young I wanted to be a pilot, but now I'm scared of heights (don't tell anyone....ahahah)

Confession no.5: My favorite flower is a Tulip, I am not really interested in any other flower or leaves, so if you come up and start talking about those things don't expect me to be interested or pay any attention to what you are saying.

Confession no.6: I've never been on a plane.

thats all you'll ever get out of me! ahahaha! have a great day! and munch on those confessions for a while, because that is probably gonna be the last post for a while! I shall tag no one! Peace

Confession no. 7: I think family people are self righteous. Take it or leave it

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Flu

We've been having this nasty flu that's been going around for the past week, and let me tell you its not pretty, it makes insane people sane and sane people just kidding its making all people insane, and believe me you do not know insane unless you have heard my brothers remix of "Umbrella" its not pretty. I've had my share of the insane, actually think I've had enough for a life time, my dear sister Mari thinks its ok for her to ask me to make her food in the middle of the night, and my dear brother Shinobu thinks its ok for him to sing nonsence at the top of his lungs just because his fever went down, now do you see the situation I'm in? well enough about that, lets talk about happy times. Wait Instead of me talking about, how bout I post a few photos? good idea? I know the best I've had in........well lets just say a while. Peace out pals!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I guess I should write something........

I actually had been dreading this, not because its a sad thing or that I don't like it or whatever but just because I wasn't there on one of the most important days in my best friend's life, and I don't want to be reminded about it, but seeing as most people are blogging about it before I should say something, and if you haven't guessed by now what it is YOU ARE DUMB!

First of all I guess I wanna say congratulations!!!! and It sucks that I was sick in bed with the chicken pox, but I'm really happy for you two, I really really am. I guess we all knew it was gonna happen sooner or later, I just hoped it was later than sooner, because you know the chicken pox thing but its great that you were able to do it while your family was still in japan, anyway I was suppose to give the maid of honor speech but really in truth I had nothing written, so I guess I kinda dodged a bullet on that one! ahaha just kidding, I would have written something or stayed up all night trying to write something, it would have been great. LoL anyway I guess what Im trying to say is that there is still the batchleorette party and Im gonna get you so drunk you won't know what hit you! ahahahah! too bad we couldn't do it before the wedding but I guess after you're married you get to go back in time and be a bachleorette again so its all good! alrighty then I guess I will stop there! I really really love you, and Im so happy for you and kinna sad (ok really sad) that I couldn't be there with you on that day, but im glad that your wedding turned out great and Im talking in circles! ahahah! we gotta spend some more time together now that im outta quorentine! hugs and kisses

I love you guys!

Monday, February 16, 2009

here you go! allot of nice....and not so nice photos! ahahah! an I am way to lazy to put them in order and I'm really busy too, so you'll just have to see if you can guess which is which in these two categories
1. busking day
2. girls day out
It should be fairly easy to figure out right? well if you're to lazy too then just look at the pictures and be so happy! good bye!