Saturday, March 14, 2009


Not that I enjoy confessing things, I'm doing this for Joan so have fun reading it, because this is the only time you will be hearing any of my confessions! so here it goes

Confession no.1: I hate spaghetti, that mushy red stuff that tastes like tomatoes! not my thing, really not my thing

Confession no.2: I'm scared of dogs and I dislike animals, they are stinky and I don't like them, so a trip to the zoo or hiking in the mountains to look at horses is not my idea of fun.

Confession no.3: I love my cigarettes (enough said)

Confession no.4: When I was young I wanted to be a pilot, but now I'm scared of heights (don't tell anyone....ahahah)

Confession no.5: My favorite flower is a Tulip, I am not really interested in any other flower or leaves, so if you come up and start talking about those things don't expect me to be interested or pay any attention to what you are saying.

Confession no.6: I've never been on a plane.

thats all you'll ever get out of me! ahahaha! have a great day! and munch on those confessions for a while, because that is probably gonna be the last post for a while! I shall tag no one! Peace

Confession no. 7: I think family people are self righteous. Take it or leave it


  1. hahahahahah I LOVED IT!!!

  2. I think I knew all of those except for the pilot thing and tulips! ahahah! but I know you're scared of heights! teehee!
