Sunday, January 25, 2009

Some randomness!

Howdy Folks! here is some random stuff all mixed in together to make one big happy post! yup the first two pictures were taken when we were leaving for work, don't we look so happy? I know we do, and then there is a video of elena doing god knows what, then there is a make up job I did on Tearz, two different eyes! yup so pretty I know I know! ahahha! and basically just some sill stuff! so hope you enjoy it! peace
luv you

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Not so "big" anymore lol

I want to say happy birthday to my baby sister Mari who is turning 16 today! woohoo! I hope you have a great birthday and that you still are crazy and happy like you were last year. I've noticed that since i've been gone you have gotten a bit more quiet and sappy, well now I'm back so you can laugh and be loud all you want again ok? and just remember that you are only 16 once, so make the most of this year! I love you, oh yes and to show you how much I love you I will put a sweet picture of you and your bff up! I know I'm so sweet! have a good new year!
p.s mari actually thought she was cute in that hat!
p.p.s thanks to cha for sending the picture, it was perfect timing! I love you!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wish Me Luck!

I have a job interview! yay!!!! Its an english teaching job! which will be fun since I can speak English and I like kids....well some of them at least! lol, hopefully i will get the job because I think I might actually really like it! and its good pay! Oh oh and yesterday I went over to chas place and we talked about the wedding! I think we got allot accomplished! I even started planning the bachelorette party which I think will be really really fun! I can't wait! um well I hope that you all are doing good! i will try to post some photos sometime soon OK? keep being patient!