Monday, August 27, 2007

Some photos from XD (snicker snicker)

Harro!! Ok here are a few photos from the XD's free day! yatta!!! iinee! have fun, I don't know what else to write, but pictures are worth a thousand words (that line is soooo over used ahahaha ehem) luv you! oh yeah and if there is a photo of you that you don't like that I posted if you ask really really nicely I promise to take it down! luv you


  1. hahahah mika! sweeet photos!

  2. hahah, there's steve with a couple of wayy hot chicks. Naughty.

    I thought this thing was held at HCS? dosen't look like it tho...

  3. looks like fun, but i'm not jealous! nee hee.
    hey take a photo of you and Katie! for meee??

  4. oooooohhhhh cho tanoshisou!!!!!

  5. what, did those girls and Steve not want the photo up or somethen? it's gone!!

    haha mika, me and joe and lainy and greg went to the theater to watch Transformers..not that you might care! hahaha..i haven't touched your CD's yet tho..never get the chance cause i have to watch it on the tv so yeah..well..arigato anyways ne? I am taking goooooood care of them! just a few scratches and paint and know..

  6. ahaha yeah I know i took some of them down because, someone told me something about not suposto post pictures of people from china or something, and I don:;t know who is from china so I just took all the actons down ahahahah good one and take good care of my CDS I want those back! I miss them! I like Dean!!! ahahahah I love you cha chan be! ahaha kisses and hugs

  7. oooooh..
    bad girl!! tsk tsk..
    love u!
