Friday, September 28, 2007

Call Me Strange....

But I was sooo tired today I couldn't sleep, now how weird is that? does that happen or is it just me? because seriously weird things do happen to me these days! its great! I love it.....well not really, but you get it the picture. ok this is my tired-ness getting the best of me! its like being drunk, or tipsy, your brain feels like its floating and your eyes feel like they have a train is sitting on them. You should try it sometime ..but seriously for the sake of everyone I should be going to sleep. Cheers!


  1. take the words right outta my mouth.....

    hahahah, I labu yoouz!

  2. ahah I knew i had a connection with you! lol! I love you to

  3. you're strange..
    oops?! was I suposed to say it??
    aahahaha..LOVE YOU! xxx
